Plague Lord Nurglitch
Plague Lord Nurglitch – The preachers of the Clans Pestilens shriek blasphemous prayers that unleash the dark diseases of the Great Corruptor upon their foes. Those not wasted away or withered into ooze are swiftly slain by blows from the priests’ warpstone-capped staves and smog-belching censers. In the distant days of the World-that-Was, the first Plague Lord of all skavenkind bore the name Nurglitch – a title he passed on to each of his zealous successors, in honour of his infectious achievements in Lustria. This pack contains one classic Plague Lord Nurglitch model – which can be used to represent a particularly large Plague Priest. Covered in oozing sores and riding atop a hideous giant rat that also bears his personal banner, this vile and bloated figure brandishes the rune-etched Blade of Nurgitch in one hand and clutches his warpstone-capped Bubonic Sceptre in the other – accompanied by his attendant Bilios.
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