Dwarf Command Set

27,50 $

SKU: fw-99550205001 Category:


Dwarf Command Set

Dwarf Command Set – Dwarf armies are led into battle by its Lords and Thanes, and these nobles epitomise the Dwarf way of war. Grim leaders all, they bear the very finest weapons and rune-etched Gromril armour. It is common for a Dwarf Thane to be entrusted with a great banner to bear into combat. This is both a physical symbol of the honour and oaths of a hold and its lord, and also confers protection from enemy magic because of the potent runes inscribed upon such revered items by Dwarf Runesmiths. Should a Dwarf suffer some terrible personal tragedy he will often enter into a terrible self-imposed exile. Taking fell oaths before a shrine of Grimnir, the shamed Dwarf will ritually dye his hair and beard orange, shave his head and stiffen what hair remains into a great crest, and put aside all trappings of their former life. Only then do they become a Slayer. The Dwarf Command Set contains three multi-part resin models: a Dwarf Lord, Dwarf Battle Standard Bearer, and a Dragon Slayer. Models designed by Edgar Skomorowski.


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