Isharann Soulscryer
Isharann Soulscryer – With their cyfar compasses and dowserchimes, the Soulscryers can map the dark corners of a being’s soul as well as those of the mortal realms, marking them out as navigators and priests among the Idoneth. Whether their quest leads towards spirit-plunder or along new paths of the whirlways, the Soulscryers divine the way. His head is shaved and his ears pierced – adding to the personal decorations are bands of metal on his arms. With him he carries a cyfar compass, a large bowl-shaped item attached to his cloak, and his dowerchimes; these hang from a large pole held in his left arm, and extend far above him, ending in an ornate Idoneth rune. 9 Scryfish swarm around his legs, following the direction his clawed right hand points. This kit comes as 11 components, and is supplied with a 32mm Round base.
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