The Champions of Erebor Web Bundle

61,73 $

SKU: wh-0387 Category:


The Champions of Erebor Web Bundle

The Champions of Erebor Web Bundle –  Thorin Oakenshield and his loyal travelling companions have outwitted Trolls, escaped Goblin Town and evaded the clutches of Fell Wargs. Now they face the mighty fire-drake Smaug, and they fight to reclaim their homeland, Erebor. This bundle contains 14 resin Citadel miniatures, including: Thorin Oakenshield, King Under the Mountain and Bilbo Baggins, Master Burglar; Balin the Dwarf, Dwalin the Dwarf and Oin the Dwarf – Champions of Erebor; Kili the Dwarf, Fili the Dwarf and Bofur the Dwarf – Champions of Erebor; Bombur the Dwarf, Bifur the Dwarf and Ori the Dwarf – Champions of Erebor; Nori the Dwarf, Dori the Dwarf and Gloin the Dwarf – Champions of Erebor.


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