Dwarf Deathroller
Dwarf Deathroller – One of the most spectacular, if not the most efficient, secret weapons fielded by any Blood Bowl team is the Dwarf Deathroller. It was first used by the Dwarf back in ’64 and has been a regular part of many a Dwarf team’s arsenal ever since. The Deathroller’s continuing popularity is no doubt due to the fact that it’s so easily improvised from the rollers found at the more sophisticated and well-kept grass-laid stadiums. Referees have done their best to keep Deathrollers off the playing field, and quite a few have ended up as flat as a pancake as a result! Should you be looking for an especially eye-catching and killsome Secret Weapon for your Dwarf Blood Bowl teams, this resin kit is the machine for you. There are spikes, cogs, and an evil-looking set of lawnmower blades and even some dwarf iconography! Rules for fielding the Deathroller can be found in Blood Bowl Death Zone Season One. This kit comprises 22 components, and includes a 32mm round base.
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