Legio Custodes Pyrithite Spears

9,85 $

SKU: gw-99550108195 Categories: ,


Legio Custodes Pyrithite Spears

Legio Custodes Pyrithite Spears – The signature weapon of the Legio Custodes and in many ways their symbol of office is the Guardian spear. Elegant and deadly, it is a potent and unique design incorporating a power blade and a highly advanced integrated bolter weapon, and in the hands of a Custodian Guard it can strike and parry at blinding speed despite its size. More rarely, these weapons mount not bolters but advanced specialised sub-weapons such as compact meltas or even Adrathic disintegration beamers, issued against the deadliest of expected foes – this variant is the Pyrithite Spear, featuring a melta beam. This kit contains 5 resin pyrithite spears, which can be used to upgrade a set of 5 plastic Adeptus Custodes Custodian Guard.


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