Solar Auxilia Tactical Command

40,70 $

SKU: fw-99550105393 Category:


Solar Auxilia Tactical Command

Solar Auxilia Tactical Command – The Lord Marshal of a Solar Auxilia battlegroup is the supreme commander of his forces. He may have the total respect of his men or be a despot of the highest order, but he will be a master strategist, fearsome duellist and an experienced frontline commander prepared to sacrifice his forces in defence of the Imperium. Auxilia Tactical Command Sections facilitate the flow of orders from central command, directing the movement of thousands of men and vehicles, as well as coordinating devastating aerial and orbital strikes upon a foe. The Solar Auxilia Tactical Command comprises six models including a Lord Marshal armed with a paragon blade and archaeotech pistol, and a full Auxilia Tactical Command Section consisting of a Strategos, Proclaimator, Vexilarius, a Veteran Auxiliary with meltagun and Veteran Auxiliary with grenade launcher. Also included are optional helmeted and unhelmeted heads for both the Lord Marshal and Strategos. .


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