Legion Praetors

29,10 $



Legion Praetors

Legion Praetors – Praetors are the mightiest warriors and battle-leaders of the Legiones Astartes, second only to the godlike Primarchs in their martial skill and generalship. Each is a vastly experienced warrior and warlord, unique in character, who has writ a legend for themselves in blood and slaughter. The Legion Praetors set contains two incredibly detailed multi-part resin models. One Praetor is clad in artificer-modified Cataphractii armour, armed with an ornate paragon blade power sword and a Volkite Charger, while the other wears ornate artificer-modified MkIII ‘Iron’ armour and carries a fantastically-detailed archaeotech pistol, as well as a mighty paragon blade power sword. These two characters are fully compatible with Forge World’s Terminator and MkIV weapon sets, allowing for a great variety of wargear options.


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