Mechanicum Domitar Battle-Automata

34,50 $

SKU: fw-99550108150 Category:


Mechanicum Domitar Battle-Automata

Mechanicum Domitar Battle-Automata – The Domitar Class Battle-automata was a sophisticated variant of the ancient Conqueror pattern. Larger than the more common Castellax alongside which it would serve, the Domitar was also swifter, designed to cross the open battlefield at speed, and built expressly to crash into the enemy with shattering force. Optional parts are included to mode the missile launcher’s housing open or closed. Rules for using Domitar Class Battle-automata Maniples in Horus Heresy games can be found in The Horus Heresy – Mechanicum: Taghmata Army List. This is a multi-part resin kit. A 60mm round base.


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