Archaeopter Stratoraptor / Transvector / Fusilave

59,76 $

SKU: wh-99120116024 Category:


Archaeopter Stratoraptor / Transvector / Fusilave

Archaeopter Stratoraptor / Archaeopter Transvector / Archaeopter Fusilave – A workhorse not only of the toxic Martian skies, but of distant worlds at the forefront of the Tech-Priests’ expansion for millennia, the Archaeopter is an agile fixed-wing aircraft. Piloted by a member of the Pteraxii caste, whose legs and scapuli superior are hardwired into its controls, the nano-carbon fibre-weave of the Archaeopter’s wings is capable of morphing – a property it shares with the Pteraxii flight packs.



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