Eldar Vampire Raider

260,80 $

SKU: fw-99590104054-1 Category:


Eldar Vampire Raider

(Very Rare) Eldar Vampire Raider – The Vampire Raider is a Superheavy Flyer with Hover mode, coming at BS4 AV 11/11/10 and with a whopping 12 Hull Points. Unlike the Phoenix Bomber is does not get Stealth which is unfortunate, and unlike regular skimmers or Flyers it is unable to Jink either, due to being a Superheavy, but that does seem quite fair when you see the model. It does come with Strafing Run which is a nice bonus, as well as Supersonic and Deep Strike, which are a bit meh when you consider how enormous the thing is, making it very hard to place on the table in a lot of games. As a Superheavy Flyer, the Vampire cannot jink, but it can at least carry multiple embarked units, and the unit entry specifies that up to 3 units may disembark in a single turn. You are still limited to a single unit embarking per turn, but that’s not such a big issue.


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