Necron Tesseract Ark

54,70 $

SKU: wh-99590110011 Category:


Necron Tesseract Ark

Necron Tesseract Ark – The Tesseract Ark is one of the most powerful Necron war machines encountered on the battlefields of the 41st Millennium, and so sophisticated is its design, it can be manufactured only by the most adept of Crypteks. Built around a contained singularity torn from the heart of a dying star, in battle the Tesseract Ark can siphon the destructive energies of this captured star-fragment and unleash them in a variety of terrible ways. Most notably, the armoured bulk of the Tesseract Ark is surrounded by a gravitic distortion effect, a potent defensive mechanism. Full rules and background for these two war machines can be found in Imperial Armour Volume Twelve: The Fall of Orpheus. Note: One of the painted Tesseract Arks shown is a pre-production model and the final model has small detail changes.


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