Scyla Anfingrimm

18,40 $

SKU: 99810201008 Category:


Scyla Anfingrimm

A living slab of rage and ferocity, Scyla Anfingrimm is a terrifying foe. His monstrous strength is enough to tear a Dracoth in two with his bare hands, and sorcery can gain no purchase against his heavy collar – radiating Khorne’s eternal contempt for spellcasters, it imbues him with immunity. Scyla knows not mercy, or fear – only hatred and fury. Scyla is a huge ape-like miniature whose body is a mass of sculpted muscle, bubbling flesh, spikes, fur, scales, flaring tendons and horns. A metal collar of Khorne hangs from his neck, whilst a finely detailed Khorne symbol is branded upon his chest. His face features huge ungainly teeth protruding from his bulky gums, bulging eyes, and his tail leads down to a vicious serpent’s head.


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