Barik Farblast

16,45 $

SKU: fw-99850999037 Category:


Barik Farblast

Barik Farblast – Barik Farblast is a Hall of Famer whose use of crafty ball-launching technology has garnered him a reputation as one of the best throwers in the league – quite the feat for a Dwarf! If your team needs a Thrower who can land a pass from anywhere on the pitch with pinpoint accuracy, prepare to be disappointed – there’s no such player in Blood Bowl! However, it you want the nearest thing to it, Barik Farblast is your ma– er, Dwarf. His ‘ballzooka’ may be a Secret Weapon, but it gives him an edge over any other Thrower in the game in terms of range and precision. This finely-detailed resin model is supplied in 13 pieces and comes with a 32mm Round Blood Bowl Base.


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