Legion MKII Heavy Support Squad

25,85 $

SKU: fw-99590101299 Category:


Legion MKII Heavy Support Squad

Legion MKII Heavy Support Squad – This kit contains enough parts to build five multi-part resin Space Marines in MkII armour; comprising five different sets of legs, and shoulder pads, arms, torsos and helmets.

To build complete Legion Heavy Support Squads, use this kit and our Space Marine Legion Missile Launcher, Plasma Cannon, Lascannon or Multi-melta sets, and resin Legion shoulder pad sets.

Rules for fielding this unit can be found in The Horus Heresy Book One: Betrayal. To build Space Marine Devastator squads or Chaos Havoc squads (rules for which can be found in Codex Space Marines and Codex Chaos Space Marines), combine this kit with Space Marine shoulder pad sets, and with plastic Chaos and Space Marines ranges. Please note that the Legion heavy weapons shown in some images are sold separately.


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